A Letter
to the Occult Community;
are given to understand that within the Lodge of Masters are calculated and utilized the cycle of 7 years multiplied by each
cycle of seven years. The Hierarchy, for it affects all within the inner lodge,
are thus confronted with a cycle of 49 years. 7x7 is a major cycle, which confronts all the masters who are to take the Chohan
initiation the sixth.
decision, which confronts the masters concerned, always affects one of the three kingdoms in nature when the path of earth
service is under consideration. The Tibetan duly informed us of just such a decision
when said Chohan Masters chose to inaugurate a great cleavage within Humanity because of the Worlds/Human need and thus humanities
silent spiritual evocativeness. A great cleavage was set between right and wrong,
between human freedom and imprisonment in materiality, thus necessarily between the lodge of the great white brotherhood and
the black lodge.
year 2001 brought yet another great decision and a further greater demarcation between the work of the White lodge of freedom
and the material work of human enslavement was sanctioned. Thus the conclusive
work of a 49 year cycle was once again inaugurated and the effects witnessed this time in 911 and the war on terror. Previously
it had demonstrated as the WW and the cold war/Korea, Vietnam, totalitarian communism ect.
teachings of the Master Hilarion go on to inform us that the same Law applies to cycles, forces and states of consciousness,
that is to the 49 year cycles of consciousness, degrees of identification. In
other words brothers, we have yet another reference to the 49 year cycle of 7x7 years applicable this time to Initiation.
Seven states of consciousness or degrees of combinations, applicable to the human, divine, or the evolution of matter. The White lodge utilising the buddhic plane while the Black lodge utilises the mental
plane for the over development of the intellectual faculty of material knowledge and power.
elucidated are the initiations or marriage degrees either within the Great White Lodge, or without. Which bears reference to the definite divorce from the white lodge and inferentially and quite necessarily
to the degrees within the Black Lodge of masters. As above so below, as within
so without. 7x7=49 degrees of the negative pole and of the positive pole white lodge of brothers of light each with 7 major
and 7 minor ashrams.
may clearly gain further understanding as to the reason and significance of the 49 year calculation and cycle which works
in contradictive opposition and counter balance between the two poles or lodges of disciples, Initiates, Masters, Chohans
and Lords by consideration of these.
would bear fruit perhaps to consider and bring to our attention the fact that the dark brotherhood, perhaps even the Leopard
degree, which is a powerful degree within, takes such decision to advance upon their chosen path and to bring efforts and
actions that will destroy freedom, bare conditions of materiality and attack the very consciousness and conscious link between
humanity the planetary throat centre and Hierarchy, the very hierarchic chain. The
sixth initiation is as DK informs us related to the throat centre and also to the throat centre of the planetary logos, the
centre that we call the race of men.
In Goodwill
Autumn 2004
There are two poles in
everything; seven states in every state. SD3 570.